One of the problems that the youth is facing or, in itself, brings it up, is the problem of discrimination.

About the project

Young people face today with many problems not only in Serbia, but also in Europe and across the world. One of the problems that the youth is facing or, in itself, brings it up, is the problem of discrimination. The most common prejudices are about nationality, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Research shows that 70% of high school students have a negative attitude towards some of the unrelated minorities. This leads to a problem of lack of tolerance and misunderstanding that each of us is different and has the right to do so. And their prejudices are easily displayed on the Internet, that is, on social networks. Even 94.2% of young respondents met with hate speech on the Internet, while a third said that they regularly meet this problem. According to the survey, there is an evident lack of information among young people on the means of combating hate speech. In the event that they are victims of hate speech, most young people do not know who to apply for help.

The Ministry of Youth and Sports recognized this problem and made significant efforts to improve the position of young people by adopting a series of documents of great importance for young people in Serbia. The Council of Europe has recognized the efforts of Serbia, and Serbia is taken as an example of good practice in the fight against hate speech on the Internet, but also in the real world.

The European Youth Center recognized its role in the campaign of the National Committee which joined the Ministry of Youth and Sports in the fight against discrimination through the project “EYCA AGAINST HATE”. The project aims to present the necessity of raising awareness about the presence of hate speech and the need to combat this phenomenon by promoting the special edition of the NO HATE European Youth Card, which serves as a gateway for young people into the world of the National Campaign, as it enables easy and quick information of its users about campaign activities. Special edition cards will be accessible to young people under special conditions during the events organized during  the project, that is, each new membership fee for the NO HATE card will bring 300 dinars for the National Campaign.

What is the goal of the project?

The European Youth Card represents a basis for upgrading all national and international campaigns as it reaches up to 70,000 young people in Serbia that are not informed about this campaign. It is an important tool for raising the awareness of young people about European opportunities, especially considering that young people are the ones who most often resort to hate speech in the virtual world. Therefore, in cooperation with schools, student dormitories and youth offices, forums are organized throughout Serbia, where young people will have the opportunity to express their opinions, experiences and suggestions that can be used in the campaign. On this occasion, a competition will also be promoted for young people on the theme “EYCA AGAINST HATE”.

Special attention will be paid to the presentation of the NO HATE European Youth Card in sports federations in Serbia. It is an opportunity for athletes to get information about the presence of hate speech among athletes, where this phenomenon is more and more present. Given that this population is new in terms of using the European Youth Card, the benefits offered by the card as well as the insurance package for athletes will be presented.